Tag Archives: Jesus

The Gift of Christ

2 Oct

But unto each one of us was the grace given according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, And gave gifts unto men. Ephesians 4:7-8

In America gifts are a big thing – Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduations, and so many others. As heartfelt as each of these gifts are they are often discarded, given away, or tossed out with time. Few remain as treasured heirlooms as cultures and tastes change. They are temporal.

My favorite gifts as a mom have come in a HUG, an “I LOVE YOU,” a smile, and a prayer. The blessings of love, deep from the heart. More precious than gold. My gifts came in chubby little fists from the front yard or a neighboring field – a dandelion, flowering weed, beautiful rock, a regifted toy car or a project made in school or Sunday school. Treasures of love, spilling over with pride. I still have nearly all of them! These are treasures from my family, but there are Gifts more precious, more valuable, that never fade with memory or time, they are eternal! These are the Gifts of Christ (Ephesians 4:7-8).

Each and every person who has received Jesus into their heart receives what are called Salvation Gifts. These are gifts from the Father for our individual lives, specifically designed for each person and the life they have lived. God gives each and every confessed believer: Access to Him, Adoption into the Kingdom, a Free Basic Life, a Church Family, Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, Healing, Heaven, Hope, Joy, Mercy, Motivation to do more, Peace, Power, Prayer, Purpose, Salvation, Sanctification, Separation from the world, a place to Serve, Sonship, Subjection to the benefits of the Kingdom, and Understanding of the Suffering of Christ. These aren’t earned gifts, these are freely given to every believer.

As wonderful as these gifts are they are only the beginning of what each believer can receive, if they choose to go further in their walk with Christ. Each and every person, whether they become a believer or not, have been called from birth to a Spiritual Gift and a Calling in the Kingdom, it is their choice whether they will accept Jesus and receive the Gifts and Callings awaiting them, working towards the skills necessary to receive them.

The gifts that follow the Salvation Gifts are received when we begin walking out our faith as requested by The Father. As we grow and understand our belonging in the Body of Christ we find ourselves living out the Fruits of the Spirit: Faithfulness, Forbearance, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Love, Peace, and Self-Control (Galatians 5:22-23, John 15:16). We find our lives are being molded by the examples God gave to each an every one of us and we “gentle” in our thoughts and behaviors. As we walk out the Fruits of the Spirit we see a difference in how we perceive things, how we interface with others, a calm enters our lives and the strife of daily life seems to dissipate (Ephesians 4:1-6, Jeremiah 29:11).

If a believer chooses to go deeper into the study of God in their faith walk, and they choose to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, they may receive one or more of the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). These are assigned by God to individuals based upon the depth of their faith and their specific abilities to handle those powerful gifts and accomplish the assignment they are given for each individual they are sent to, when that individual is needing a specific deep touch of the Holy Sprit. There are 3 aspects of these 9 gifts, the Revelation Gifts, the Power Gifts, and the Inspiration Gifts. Within these Gifts are the Gift of Discerning of the Spirits (R), the Gift of Faith (P), the Gift of Tongues (I), the Gift of Healing (P), the Gift of Interpretation of Tongues (I), the Gift of Knowledge (R), the Gift of Prophecy (I), the Gift of Wisdom (R), and the Gift of Working of Miracles (P). These Gifts are given to a chosen group of people, not for their own benefit, but to help build up other church members when they in times of illness, turmoil and confusion.

Some believers are given the gift of a specific Calling, ordained before their birth, by God the Father. These are those called to the 5 fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11). These are those who will become: Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets, and Teachers. These ordinations require deep study specifically in the arena of the ministries that they have been called to. The believer working towards this area of ministry must have a the strength, determination, and abilities fitted to the particular position they are working towards. These positions require the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are the deepest Gifts and Callings of the body of the Church.

There are Gifts known as Callings. Positions that God has been preparing us to receive all of our lives, even though we may not have recognized them. Callings are positions in the church that meet the needs of every area of the church and the people of the community that the church witnesses too. These are the back-up support positions for the 5 Fold Ministry and serve as a critical foundation for all the 5 Fold Ministry is called to do. This could be a training arena for those who are called to the 5 Fold Ministry, but haven’t had the hands on experience to take a fulltime position. These Callings/Gifts include: Administrations, Apostleship, Celibacy, Charity, Craftsmanship, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Hospitality, Intercession, Leadership, Martyrdom, Pastorship, Prophetic, Serving, Special Graces, Spiritual Writing, Teaching, and Witnessing.

What God has given to each and every believer, the Gifts of Christ, are gifts that give and give and give, becoming more and more valuable each day. They aren’t gifts that we keep, they are gifts that we give away through our every day workings in the body of the church. They aren’t tangible gifts, they are Spiritual gifts, sent through us to a specific person for a specific time and place, to encourage and enable them to take these particular gifts forward to another. Building up each other along the way (Romans 12:4).

These are Anointed gifts of Life, and Breath, and Hope, and Peace, and a Spiritual Assignment in the body and family of God. These are precious gifts that never deteriorate, never go out of style, never diminish or fade. These are gifts assigned by the Holy Spirit as we mature in our faith in Christ, given to us to help others receive their gifts and assignments “all these worketh the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each one severally even as he will.” (1 Corinthians 12:11). All Gifts and Callings, working together through the Holy Spirit, each person given a specific role, if they will receive it, to accomplish the works of God on this earth (Romans 11:29).

Pray to hear God’s Gifts and Callings for your life. Meet with your Pastor or Church Counselor to begin the steps of preparation for where God has called you to. Are you ready? Your Gifts are awaiting! (Isaiah 6:8-9, 1 Corinthians 7:17, 2 Peter 1:10)

The Damascus Road – A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 4, Part 3

Written by Linda J. Humes



24 Sep

Linda's Bible 9-10-15

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.  Psalm 55:22 KJV

I have a big Bible, Giant Print.  The kind that is so easy to read that you spend all of your study time in it, but so big and bulky that you never it carry it to Church Services or study classes.  It’s the big lunky study Bible, with pages falling out, and bled through highlighting (often making it difficult to figure out which side of the page held the vast important Rhema message of the moment).  The Bible with the pictures of loved ones, their needs written on the back.  The Bible with the prayer lists from years back and notes from a special sermon, dog-eared and marked from hours of digging.  It’s the one with the family tree, the births and deaths, the baptism dates, salvation dates, and the day my son uttered in tongues for the first time.

The Bible I use as a pillow when I pray myself to sleep while walking through the valley.  The one with coffee stains made one excited morning when God met our need, when we once more stood high upon the mountain.  The one with every promise underlined and Psalm 23 in the upper left hand column of the right page.

You know which one I mean.  We all have one.  Mine has become so very special to me.  It is the first thing packed in my suitcase and the first thing removed when I arrive at my destination.  It’s the first thing I read in the morning and the last thing I read at night, no matter where I travel.

Recently I took it to a Woman’s Retreat.  Although it shared my study time in the chapel library and made a few trips to the pond, it didn’t go to the services.  It was much too important.  It holds, tucked carefully inside, my precious treasures.

As I was folding it up one morning, it slipped from my grip and dozens of papers fell out.  I carefully, gently, picked each one up and relived the emotions of the prayer requests or notes written thereon.  It was a wonderful lift in my faith as I realized that all but a few of those requests had already been fulfilled.  Years of requests ranging from what now seems so small, to what will always be overwhelming.  All needs and desires met by God’s mercy and grace.

When I had a request which seemed so large to my immediate circumstance, I wrote it down.  I told God that it was too big for me and I was tucking it in amongst His promises.  It was a time of humbling myself, admitting that I could not meet my own needs.  It was a time of letting go.

As I read through though those notes I saw where I had made notes and dates about when those needs were met.  Needs for groceries, met within a day.  Needs for a car, met within a month, free and clear.  Needs for a house, met within six months, free and clear.  Even the desire for fresh fruit when we had eaten food bank canned fruit for so long, met within an hour.  God knew just what to do.  He answered our needs exceedingly, abundantly above all I could have expected.

Is it a magic Bible?  A special prayer formula?  Special anointed paper?  An anointed pen?  NO!  It was stepping back and letting God fulfill the promises He so graciously gave us.  It was getting out of His way.  Our Blessed God who met all our needs, and a few simple desires  –  like the taste and texture of a fresh peach.  It was simply letting go.

Written By Linda J. Humes



12 Sep

Blood on Angel's wings

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:53 (KJV)

We have a big beautiful porch on the front of our home.  It faces south and it’s a beautiful view down into the valley.  When weather permits, I have my devotional and Bible Study time in my rocker, out on the porch. I thank God every day for allowing me to live there and enjoy the beauty set before me.

Last year we noticed the wood railing was showing signs of sun and rain wear – it was time to stain and water-seal the wood.  Out we went, the two youngest boys and I – gloves, rags, newspapers, paintbrushes and stain.  We each took a section and went to task.  Stain was flying everywhere.  I tried to convince them to keep the stain off the concrete floor – well!!

It seemed like it took forever, and the stained concrete will probably fade away with age.  It looked so much nicer.

A week or so later, during devotional time, I noticed something on one of my 3’ angels that stood in the flowerbed by the porch.  I walked up to get a better view and it took my breath away.  A careless sling of a brush had splashed the angel with what looked like large drops of blood.  “Jesus, Your Blood.”

My mind went back to that fateful day, when my Lord hung on the cross.  His blood pouring from His head, His back, His sides, His hands and His feet.  Were there angels at the foot of His cross?  Did they wait, hoping that the Father would speak and stop what was about to happen as he did with Abraham and Isaac?  Did they encamp around Him to be sure the will of the Father was done – weeping with sadness at the pain and torture of the Son?  Did His blood drip down on their wings as they waited for those final words, “It is finished?”  Did they carry His Spirit to Heaven when the earth shook and the sky darkened?  Did the Blood turn to Oil as they moved between the Heavens?

I know that angels encamp around us every day; watching, protecting, guiding.  They are one of the wonderful gifts God surrounds us with.  They comfort us, wrapping their arms around us when we cry.  When we celebrate with joy, they dance along with us.  They sit and watch over us when we are ill.  They wait for a Word from the Father.

I wonder, did one of the angels that guides me every day – kneel at the foot of the cross?

Written by Linda J. Humes


The Inward Man

1 Sep

Dove and hands

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that ye may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man;”   Ephesians 3:14-16 (ASV)

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know about God and Jesus.  I don’t know where I learned about them.  I don’t remember going to Sunday school, except when my paternal grandmother came to visit, until I was a teenager and my brother and I decided to go to different churches that we could walk to.  I don’t remember asking God into my heart or making a confession for Him to be my savior, it is possible that it happened and I just don’t remember, but I doubt it.  I do know one thing, from as young as I can remember, I talked to God and He talked back to me.

The reason I don’t think I said the sinner’s prayer as a child is because of how powerful the feeling was when I made that decision at the age of 38 at a Mario Murrillo Crusade.  It was an overwhelming and emotional event that swept over and through me like something that I have never felt before.  Peace, rest, knowledge, release, fire and a feeling that every trial that I had been through, and was currently going through, was all completely taken away and resolved.  The burden was no longer mine, but that of a big God who had all of the answers and was giving me the way to resolve the problem and deal with any lingering challenges through peace.  It was so different from the stress, fear and worry of all the years before.

My relationship was strong with God, but it didn’t become the strong force that it is today until after I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  That day, that receiving, completely changed my life and opened my mind, body and soul to a whole new spiritual realm that I cannot explain to another; it is truly something that must be experienced.  Scripture came to life.  The confusion of the King James Language was gone and the words easy to read and understand.  Bible study was a joy and I spent most of my waking hours in the Bible and in study books, helping me understand how the Old Testament and the New Testament came together.  Types and Shadows.  The history of the Old Testament and how the lives of the Patriarchs became the basis and foundation of the life of Jesus, the Disciples, and Apostles that followed Him.

The Inward Man.  The place where the Spirit dwells, once we invite Him in. It is also the place where free will rests.  It is a holding ground of potential, and it is a place where only we can open up to outside influences, both good and bad.  I suspect that my Inward Man was protected by the many prayers of my grandmother, aunts and uncles during the time when I didn’t know any better.  It was the place that called to my brother and I to look for a place to worship and seek God.  It was a fallow ground that needed to be prepared for my decision to be a pastor and share the gospel.

Many do not make the same decision that I did, they fill their Inner Man with self-love, greed, addictions, and occultic activities, those become their soul foundation.  Their chosen Inward Man pulls them into things that keep them from peace, rest and true love.  I suspect that there are times, as we grow up, that we all fill our Inward Man with things that should not be there, things that we need to release.  The wonderful thing about our Inward Man, is that we have the ability to cleanse what should not be there and refill it with the things God meant for us to have.  We can, if we will.

The Apostle Paul’s prayer of this scripture is that we would make the choice to follow the Father, cleansing out any poor choices that we have made in the past, and receive the “riches of glory” through the acceptance of the Holy Spirit into our lives, strengthening our Inward Man.  What a powerful prayer that so many have received and walked in.  I cannot explain the difference of having the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  I comes with signs and wonders.  It comes with miracles and answered prayers.  It comes with peace, joy and understanding.  It comes with a little bit of Jesus living inside of us.  It comes with Love!

** A Journey Through Ephesians  –  Chapter 3, Part 6

By Linda J. Humes

Written 5-18-2016

By One Spirit

25 Aug

flames of fire from angel

“And (Christ Jesus) came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” Ephesians 2:17-18

The Bible speaks of many aspects of “spirits” and events related to them. 1 John 4:1-3 tells us to test the “Spirit” to see if the words being spoken to you are of the “Spirit” of God, the “Spirit” of a false prophet or the “Spirit” of the antichrist. Mark 1:23-26 speaks of an unclean “Spirit” (demon) being cast out of a man by Jesus, and “tearing him” as it left. Matt 12:43-44 and Luke 11:24 speak of unclean “Spirits” (demons) being cast out of a person, but if the person does not fill their body, soul, and “Spirit” with the word of God and a clean living, those unclean “Spirits” will return with seven more and take back over the person.

1 Samuel 16:14 speaks of Saul. Saul had turned his back on God and had become very jealous of David (who would be King). Saul tried to destroy David on many occasions, only to fail. This scripture states “But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.” I find this passage to be very unsettling. Can a person be anointed by God to rule a land, or pastor a church, or care for a flock, with the “Spirit” of God leading them, and then fall so deep into deception that God removes His anointing and replaces it with an evil “Spirit?” Based upon this scripture the answer would be “yes.” No man, however powerful he may be, is untouchable by the hand of God. One day a King, the next day a mad man, filled with evil “Spirits.”

But, our hope is in the second chapter of Acts, the day of Pentecost. The day when the “Spirit” of God came down on the 12 disciples, praying all together in one accord, since the day of the crucifixion of Jesus. Acts 2:2-4: “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the “Spirit” gave them utterance.” After that day they became a mighty team, sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, and on that very day of Pentecost, by the powerful words working through them, they received the commitment to the Gospel of 3000 people, baptizing them in the Name of Jesus. Glory!

The group broke away into teams and traveled all over the kingdom to preach the gospel and share the ministry of Jesus. In our Ephesian passage, Paul takes us back to the works of Jesus and the gift we all have through Him. His powerful words give us strength to continue forward, knowing that God has our very interest in His hand.

And (Christ Jesus) came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him (Jesus) we both have access by one Spirit (Holy Spirit) unto the Father (God). Ephesians 2:17-18

No matter how far we have strayed away, He will send someone to find us and show us the way back. If we are near to God but hurting, He will send someone with a word of comfort and strength. If we have allowed evil “Spirits” to enter out life, He will send the Holy “Spirit” to cleanse us and provide a new avenue through prayer, directly to the throne room. And through it all, no matter how far we have fallen away, if we pray, believing, the Holy “Spirit” will deliver our prayers directly to the ear of God.

A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 2, Part 8

Written by Linda J. Humes


Now In Christ

23 Aug


(11) Wherefore remember, that once ye, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called Circumcision, in the flesh, made by hands; (12) that ye were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (13) But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ.

The first verse of or our text takes me back to my roots. Not to the day of being reborn, but to the days of my childhood. I was living in a small desert town in southern California; no running water, no indoor plumbing, jack rabbits for dinner, popcorn for breakfast. I was a nobody headed for nowhere . . . But God! God saw this skinny little towheaded kid, with a tender heart, and He made a place for me in His Kingdom.

In the days of the Old Testament, only the Jews were God’s Chosen People. He led them and provided shelter and food for them in the most desperate of times. But with the Birth of Christ and the gospel of promise came the understanding of the Great Mystery (1 Corinthians 2:7). No longer was salvation earned through a birthright (those of circumcision of the hands), it was freely given to all who would believe on Jesus and accept Him as the Son of God, our Savior (1 Corinthians 1:24-25) (circumcision of the heart and spirit).

No longer would salvation and eternal life be given to the mechanics of birth, circumcision and living the religious life passed down from Jewish father to Jewish son. Now there had to be more than the yearly “required” trips, bloody animal sacrifices and the “holy” rituals. Now there had to be spiritual covenants, promises of faith, humility and hope in the gospel, brought to draw an entire world to the saving grace of God. Now those without hope can receive the promise of eternal life and continued relationship with God.

Today we can all be Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Whether born in Israel or in the back alley of a dead end street in the worse part of town; we all have the opportunity to become part of the Body of Christ. We are all born to a mighty and loving God that wishes that all would receive His Word, brought through the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, and freely given to all who would ask. Eternal life in a mansion with streets paved in gold. Everyone. Even that skinny little towheaded kid, raised in poverty, with no hope for tomorrow, one day to become a pastor and bring the love of Christ to a hurting people. Even you!

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Romans 11:29 (KJV)

** A Journey Through Ephesians: Chapter 2 – Part 6:

By Linda J. Humes


Exceeding Riches

19 Aug


“Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:  That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”   Ephesians 2:5-7 (KJV)

I suspect we all have met people who continually live on the edge of disaster.  They take chances we would never even dream of.  They live without concern of where they will sleep or where their next meal will come from.  They wander through life looking for adventure and excitement and for that feeling of completeness.

I am amazed at their dis-concern for their surroundings and potential plight.  In their place, I would be completely out of sorts.  When I asked one young man whether he was worried about what he may face with his lifestyle, he said “No, God takes care of me.”  When I asked about any formal “church” upbringing, there wasn’t any.  Clearly drugs and alcohol had taken a toll on his physical health.  Breaking the law made the way of keeping him with the addictive substance he desired.

It’s hard to understand why he felt so content in his relationship with God.  I wonder if it was just something he said to steer off curious onlookers, like myself.  I wonder if his life expectations were so low that what he experienced in his life exceeded his hopes and he gave God the glory for it.  I wonder if he prayed, and even in his sin laden life, God kept a hedge of protection around him, knowing that one day he would turn himself around and follow the call placed on his life (Luke 9:23).

I wonder if he met God in a deep dark place and had that wonderful intimate relationship that made him feel blessed, no matter where he was or what he was doing (Acts 17:27).  Had he recognized God’s “Exceeding Riches” in his day to day, moment my moment existence, and even in his poverty and life of poor choices, feeling the great value of that relationship.  Even though he has not pulled himself back to a “normal” lifestyle, did he know that God still loved and watched over and cared for him?  I don’t know, he said he did.

I do know that God will meet us where we are at, in our filthiest rags and disgusting attitudes, a life filled with sin and a heart filled with darkness, and He will love us and call to us and stay by our side until we are ready to hear His voice (Isaiah 64:6).  I do know that the joy of receiving Him is far greater than any other joy on this earth, and to call it “Exceeding Riches” is far less than it truly is.  I do know that He has prepared a place for us, rich or poor, male or female, whatever race, whatever creed, brilliant or challenged, evil or kind, and He is waiting for us to accept that gift by accepting His Son (John 14:2-3).  I do know that He has made a way, through the sacrifice of His Son, for us to sit in Heavenly places (Ephesians 1:20; 2:6).

That’s grace (John 1:14).  That’s love (John 3:16).  That is the gift of “Exceeding Riches” so great that we may never comprehend it until the moment we stand before Him (Romans 14:10).

*A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 2, Part 3

Written by Linda J. Humes


Dead Through Trespasses

15 Aug

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

And you did he make alive, when ye were dead through your trespasses and sins,” Ephesians 2:1 (ASV)

I was one of those kids who never got into trouble, not because I was born from a different cut of cloth than others, but because of the great fear of what the consequences would be at home if I did.  I remember as a young teen, my mom telling me that if I was ever picked up by the police, not to waste the time calling home, no one would come.

The fear of making a mistake followed me from childhood into adulthood and captured my every thought.  I even entertained the fear of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being blamed for someone else’s behavior; so I isolated myself.

When I gave my heart to Jesus and heard about the consequences of sin, and that the Bible says that we all sin, I struggled with it.  I had always done my best not to do anything illegal or immoral. These verses brought me great confusion.  I didn’t understand that what the world considered to be sin and what God considered to be sin were 2 very different things, and in all my careful years of watching my behavior, I had let God down.  Even my refusing to believe that I was sinning in some area of my life was a sin in the eyes of God (1 John 1:8).

The scriptures clearly state that we are not to be involved in “quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfishness, backstabbing, gossip, conceit, and disorderly behavior” (Galatians 5:19) – busted!  These behaviors seem to be inborn in us, and we must grow past these practices as teens and young adults.  I had no idea that God considered these “temper tantrum behaviors” to be sins.  I heard a pastor speak about these behaviors, stating that when we listen to gossip, or people backstabbing, or witness outbursts of anger or disorderly conduct, and do nothing to stop it, we are guilty of participating.  If we don’t walk away and refuse to be a part of the conversation, we are guilty of supporting them by our simply being there.  I was guilty of doing nothing.  I was guilty of being party to damaging someone else’s reputation.  I was guilty of sin.

I am so thankful that our loving God gives us a way to restore ourselves (2 Corinthians 12:21).  He gives us the opportunity to repent and ask for forgiveness from the offended party, freeing us from the penalty of sin.  God also gives us the choice not to repent, not to walk in humility and correct our wrongful ways, even though it grieves Him to see us in that condition; under the curse of sin.  And through that curse, we will live our lives without the blessing of inheriting the Kingdom of God and all of the eternal gifts that wait for us there (Galatians 5:21).  By remaining in sin we sign our own death warrant, in the eternal lake of fire (Proverbs 11:19).

I am thankful that God loves us so much that He is willing to remove all of our sins from His memory and allow us to become pure in his sight (Psalms 103:12).  I am thankful that He loves us so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins, and that by Jesus’ blood we are cleansed (Revelation 1:5).  I am thankful that this is a free gift from God the Father, without unreachable goals or impossible tasks (Romans 6:23).  I am so thankful that He not only saved me from my own sinful nature, made a way for me to overcome the very faults that were born within me, and gave me the opportunity to stand above all that I ever thought I could be, righteous and healed (1 Peter 2:24).

I am thankful that He trusted me enough to not only lift me up, but to teach me His ways so that I can teach others the truths of the scriptures that they may never have heard.  I am thankful that He makes a way to share all I have learned to all who will listen with a humble and open heart.  I am thankful.

*A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 2, Part 1

Written by Linda J. Humes


At The Right Hand Of The Father

4 Aug

blessing hands

(the strength of His might) . . . “which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:” Ephesians 1:20-21 (ASV)

There are very few people, that I have met, who don’t appreciate being recognized for their accomplishments or for doing a great job at their daily duties.  A word of recognition or a note of thanks can turn a dark day completely around, and negative words can take a person to a whole different level of dismay and depression.  I wonder what thoughts went through Jesus’ mind as He suffered and died on the cross that day.  He had been betrayed by the very people He loved and spent years teaching and mentoring.  He was abandoned and faced that horrible circumstance alone, except for the Father who watched from afar.  I wonder if Jesus had thoughts of abandonment.  I wonder if He felt betrayed, even for a moment.  I wonder if He contemplated the work that He had done on earth and if it was good enough.  I wonder if He rose above all of that, knowing the facets of human nature and the fear, shame and pain, that those He loved must have been feeling.  I wonder.

God used His strength and might to raise Jesus from the dead.  His spoken word broke off the tomb of death and called His son to His very arms.  Did God hold Jesus like a mother or father holding an injured child, loving away the pain and the memory of the event that caused it?  Did He speak life and strength back into His son, knowing that Jesus’ journey on earth was far from over?  Or, did Jesus just know?

After Jesus’ work on earth was complete He joined the Father, sitting at the Father’s right hand.  Scripture has many references to the right hand and the blessing that the right hand brings (Matthew 22:44).  It also speaks of the power of God that comes through the right hand (Exodus 15:6).  When children were blessed by the head of the family, giving them inheritance and power in the lands the family owned, and sometimes those blessed were not the children expected to receive the blessing, as in Genesis 48.  And in those times when people called on God for protection and comfort, He reached down His right hand to take care of them (Isaiah 41:13).  I find it very comforting to know that in my time of need, I can call on God and not only can He reach out with His right hand to send His blessing, but at His right hand rests His very son, Jesus Christ, making intercession for my every need (1 John 2:1).

But our reference doesn’t stop with the right hand, the blessings, the protection, the intercessions, or the care and love Jesus has for each of us.  The reference goes on to say who this man named Jesus is and what God has bestowed upon Him for the wonderful work He accomplished while on this earth.  After the sacrifice of the cross and Jesus’ time on earth with the apostles and disciples, God took Jesus to His right hand – above all rule, authority, power, dominion and any other word to describe that thought.  God took Jesus above every name that is named, not just on earth, but in all physical and spiritual locations unknown to man.  He took Jesus above all things known and all thing that are to come that we cannot even fathom.

This should bring us all great comfort, it does me.  For in the heart of Jesus, and on the palm of God, is your name and mine (Isaiah 49:16).  Their love for us is far beyond any rule, authority, power or dominion in worlds we understand, and in worlds we cannot fathom.  We are there, safely held in the arms of a precious and powerful savior, at the right hand of God.

*A Journey Through Ephesians:  Ephesians 1 – Part 12

Written By Linda J. Humes


The Mystery

2 Aug

Hands with Light Shining - Mystery

Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: Ephesians 1:9 (ASV)

Back when I was growing up there wasn’t anything better than a good Mystery to fill a Saturday night. I didn’t have TV until I was almost 10, and there were very few shows; reading filled my spare time and sharing it with Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys was delightful.

The wonderful thing about a mystery is that you are given little bits of information in a venue of intrigue, and through those bits of information, added to as the story unfolds, you can understand an event that took place, or a great truth that is not easily understood, and it all comes to perfect clarity. The “Mystery” of the New Testament is very much the same.

Although the Mystery was in God from the beginning of time it was revealed in a time when the church of Jesus Christ was being birthed and Christians were being persecuted and killed for their faith. Disciples were reaching out to new areas, sharing the word of the Gospel to all who would hear and being imprisoned and tortured for their determination. It was an extremely difficult and exciting time for all involved. New hope was being shared and lives were being changed by the words of those who were willing to place their lives in danger to bring the truth. They brought the secret to the Mystery (Rom 16:25-17).

This Mystery, shared within the precious Gospel, was a truth undiscoverable, except by revelation (Mark 4:11). A truth shared by Jesus to his Disciples and sent into all the world (Mark 16:15). A truth rejected by the Jews of the time, the chosen people of God, not willing to believe that there would be any other people that could ever be as precious to God as they were. A truth revealed that the gentile, the non-Jew, were as precious and loved by God as the Jewish people that He brought into existence and walked daily with, bringing them out of Egyptian slavery, across the wilderness and where He provided for their every need, both on the slave side – wilderness side – and promised side of their lives.

This Mystery, held in secret until a group of people were prepared to place their lives at odds to share it, had been in the heart of God from the beginning of time (Eph 3:9, Eph 6:19-20). A Mystery that says we are ALL precious in His sight (John 3:15-16). A Mystery that says that no matter where you have been, no matter what you have done, God stands waiting for you (Acts 3:19). Anyone, who is willing is welcome to receive the gift of the Mystery – any age, race, creed, conviction, or historical behaviors – all are welcomed into the gift of the Mystery and can become the Children of God. This is, by far, the greatest Mystery of the Bible.

There are other Mysteries in the Bible: The Bride of Christ (Eph 5:30-32), the Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Rev 29:9), the Seven Stars and the Seven Candlesticks (Rev 1:20), and the Woman Clothed in Scarlet (Rev 17:1-7). But of all of the Mysteries, knowing that I am fully accepted and loved by God, born a gentile and of low esteem, is an amazing feeling. Yet, going further, Ephesians 1:9 doesn’t just mention the Mystery, it also mentions that He revealed the Mystery of “His Will” according to “His Good Pleasure” which He has “Purposed in Himself”. He made me a part of His Mystery for His joy, not just for mine.

Thank you Lord for the unraveling of Your Mystery. Thank You for making me fully Yours. Help me to share the revelation of Your gift so that all can receive the love You have been wanting to show them. Glory!

** A Journey Through Ephesians –  Chapter 1, Part 5

Written by Linda J. Humes
