At The Right Hand Of The Father

4 Aug

blessing hands

(the strength of His might) . . . “which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:” Ephesians 1:20-21 (ASV)

There are very few people, that I have met, who don’t appreciate being recognized for their accomplishments or for doing a great job at their daily duties.  A word of recognition or a note of thanks can turn a dark day completely around, and negative words can take a person to a whole different level of dismay and depression.  I wonder what thoughts went through Jesus’ mind as He suffered and died on the cross that day.  He had been betrayed by the very people He loved and spent years teaching and mentoring.  He was abandoned and faced that horrible circumstance alone, except for the Father who watched from afar.  I wonder if Jesus had thoughts of abandonment.  I wonder if He felt betrayed, even for a moment.  I wonder if He contemplated the work that He had done on earth and if it was good enough.  I wonder if He rose above all of that, knowing the facets of human nature and the fear, shame and pain, that those He loved must have been feeling.  I wonder.

God used His strength and might to raise Jesus from the dead.  His spoken word broke off the tomb of death and called His son to His very arms.  Did God hold Jesus like a mother or father holding an injured child, loving away the pain and the memory of the event that caused it?  Did He speak life and strength back into His son, knowing that Jesus’ journey on earth was far from over?  Or, did Jesus just know?

After Jesus’ work on earth was complete He joined the Father, sitting at the Father’s right hand.  Scripture has many references to the right hand and the blessing that the right hand brings (Matthew 22:44).  It also speaks of the power of God that comes through the right hand (Exodus 15:6).  When children were blessed by the head of the family, giving them inheritance and power in the lands the family owned, and sometimes those blessed were not the children expected to receive the blessing, as in Genesis 48.  And in those times when people called on God for protection and comfort, He reached down His right hand to take care of them (Isaiah 41:13).  I find it very comforting to know that in my time of need, I can call on God and not only can He reach out with His right hand to send His blessing, but at His right hand rests His very son, Jesus Christ, making intercession for my every need (1 John 2:1).

But our reference doesn’t stop with the right hand, the blessings, the protection, the intercessions, or the care and love Jesus has for each of us.  The reference goes on to say who this man named Jesus is and what God has bestowed upon Him for the wonderful work He accomplished while on this earth.  After the sacrifice of the cross and Jesus’ time on earth with the apostles and disciples, God took Jesus to His right hand – above all rule, authority, power, dominion and any other word to describe that thought.  God took Jesus above every name that is named, not just on earth, but in all physical and spiritual locations unknown to man.  He took Jesus above all things known and all thing that are to come that we cannot even fathom.

This should bring us all great comfort, it does me.  For in the heart of Jesus, and on the palm of God, is your name and mine (Isaiah 49:16).  Their love for us is far beyond any rule, authority, power or dominion in worlds we understand, and in worlds we cannot fathom.  We are there, safely held in the arms of a precious and powerful savior, at the right hand of God.

*A Journey Through Ephesians:  Ephesians 1 – Part 12

Written By Linda J. Humes


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