Tag Archives: Blessings

At The Right Hand Of The Father

4 Aug

blessing hands

(the strength of His might) . . . “which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:” Ephesians 1:20-21 (ASV)

There are very few people, that I have met, who don’t appreciate being recognized for their accomplishments or for doing a great job at their daily duties.  A word of recognition or a note of thanks can turn a dark day completely around, and negative words can take a person to a whole different level of dismay and depression.  I wonder what thoughts went through Jesus’ mind as He suffered and died on the cross that day.  He had been betrayed by the very people He loved and spent years teaching and mentoring.  He was abandoned and faced that horrible circumstance alone, except for the Father who watched from afar.  I wonder if Jesus had thoughts of abandonment.  I wonder if He felt betrayed, even for a moment.  I wonder if He contemplated the work that He had done on earth and if it was good enough.  I wonder if He rose above all of that, knowing the facets of human nature and the fear, shame and pain, that those He loved must have been feeling.  I wonder.

God used His strength and might to raise Jesus from the dead.  His spoken word broke off the tomb of death and called His son to His very arms.  Did God hold Jesus like a mother or father holding an injured child, loving away the pain and the memory of the event that caused it?  Did He speak life and strength back into His son, knowing that Jesus’ journey on earth was far from over?  Or, did Jesus just know?

After Jesus’ work on earth was complete He joined the Father, sitting at the Father’s right hand.  Scripture has many references to the right hand and the blessing that the right hand brings (Matthew 22:44).  It also speaks of the power of God that comes through the right hand (Exodus 15:6).  When children were blessed by the head of the family, giving them inheritance and power in the lands the family owned, and sometimes those blessed were not the children expected to receive the blessing, as in Genesis 48.  And in those times when people called on God for protection and comfort, He reached down His right hand to take care of them (Isaiah 41:13).  I find it very comforting to know that in my time of need, I can call on God and not only can He reach out with His right hand to send His blessing, but at His right hand rests His very son, Jesus Christ, making intercession for my every need (1 John 2:1).

But our reference doesn’t stop with the right hand, the blessings, the protection, the intercessions, or the care and love Jesus has for each of us.  The reference goes on to say who this man named Jesus is and what God has bestowed upon Him for the wonderful work He accomplished while on this earth.  After the sacrifice of the cross and Jesus’ time on earth with the apostles and disciples, God took Jesus to His right hand – above all rule, authority, power, dominion and any other word to describe that thought.  God took Jesus above every name that is named, not just on earth, but in all physical and spiritual locations unknown to man.  He took Jesus above all things known and all thing that are to come that we cannot even fathom.

This should bring us all great comfort, it does me.  For in the heart of Jesus, and on the palm of God, is your name and mine (Isaiah 49:16).  Their love for us is far beyond any rule, authority, power or dominion in worlds we understand, and in worlds we cannot fathom.  We are there, safely held in the arms of a precious and powerful savior, at the right hand of God.

*A Journey Through Ephesians:  Ephesians 1 – Part 12

Written By Linda J. Humes


Merry Christmas

24 Dec

Praying blessings over each and every one of you for the New Year. 

This year has been a tremendous challenge for so many in the United States and around the world.  Peace comes through clinging tightly to the hem of His garment and believing that He will watch over and care for us, making provision as each of our needs arise.

God Bless you all.  Thank you so much for always encouraging me to continue teaching and lifting up others through my writing. 



16 Sep


“Surely “the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.”  Psalm 140:13 KJV


In the sunrise, in the clouds above,

In the gentle lifting movement of a dove.

In the quiet of a sweet sleeping child,

Thank God, Thank God.

In the Stillness of a star filled sky,

In the company of loved ones on a cold night.

In the riches and the fullness of life,

Thank God, Thank God.

Thank God, Thank God,

For the blessings brought before us everyday.

For the wonders and the peace in our hearts,

Thank God, Thank God.

For the Spirit, in the hungry soul,

For the Words of truth that teach us of His love.

In the fire, when the pulpit explodes.

Thank God, Thank God.

In the filling of a new born child,

In the words and tongues of Angels spoken prayerfully,

For the moments when He calls out your name,

Thank God, Thank God.

Written as a song in 1991


4 Apr

“For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy

unto all them that call upon thee.” Psalm 86:5

Forgive me, Lord, for my doubts.

Forgive me, Lord, in my pain and fatigue,

Your voice was distant and faint,

I thought You didn’t care.

Forgive me, Lord, I forgot the blessings,

Of yesterday in the crisis,

Of today.

Forgive me, Lord, for not recognizing,

How very precious I am to You,

You showed me again and again,

Buy my self-esteem couldn’t receive it.

Thank you, Lord, for continually calling my name,

Calling louder and louder,

When my ears were turned away.

Thank you, Lord, for the friends and warriors,

That You sent to my side,

When I was to weak to fight.

Thank you, Lord, for forced rest,

When my body was in desperate need,

But I refused to rest.

Thank you, Lord, that I am Your daughter,

And You are my Father,

And nothing can ever change that.


Written 6-14-2002


3 Nov

 I will declare your righteousness and your salvation every day, though I do not fully understand what the outcome will be.  Lord God, I will come in the power of your mighty acts, remembering your righteousness—yours alone.    Psalm 71:15-16

Lord, in my temptations you hold me,

Thru sorrows and tears You are there.

When all of the world is against me,

I truthfully know that You care.


As each day unfolds I find trials,

And burdens to heavy to bare.

I humbly come in Your presence,

And lay them before You in prayer.


I’m nothing without You beside me,

You teach me Your words that I share.

When falling, I pray that You’ll guide me,

And I’ll shine just a little bit more.

Lord, each day you give life new meaning,

My old life’s a memory gone past;

My worldly possessions lose value,

Your love is all that will last.


You touch me each morning with fire,

And rivers of water run thru;

I can’t even think of tomorrow,

Without knowing that I have You.


You’ve lifted me out of dark shadows,

And endless confusion and strife;

Your mercy and grace has renewed me,

And shown me the beauty of life.

Lord, now has come time to witness,

And share the beauty I’ve found;

It’s happiness, free for the asking,

Where joy and blessings abound.


I’ll teach with honest persuasion,

Myself, an example of praise;

Teaching Your word and Your promise,

Your miracles, works and sound faith.


I’ll conquer if You stand beside me,

No enemy dares to cause harm;

Your children will follow in victory,

Wrapped in Your arms safe and warm.

Written 1991 as a song


22 Oct

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:1-2

How splendid, Lord, the flow of Your words,

Delightful, they float through my days.

How precious the promise I carry within,

As I walk and I live in Your ways.

How tender the souls that search for the joy,

That only Your children can know.

How blessed the moments of sharing God’s love,

And watching those tender buds grow.

Written 5/24/92


20 Oct

“I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalms 40:1-2 (KJV)

All my life I have been drawn to birds. My great desire was to have my own chickens and ducks. A few years ago my Mother’s Day Gift was the converting of a shed into a chicken coop. We bought baby chicks and raised them in the bath tub until they were big enough not to escape through the fence openings. We learned that just because a sign says “Pullets” you are only guaranteed that 80% of the birds are hens – we weren’t that statistically fortunate – more like 75%. If you’ve ever had to deal with territorial roosters, you will understand the importance of that.

About 8 months ago we took in a foster-adopt dog named Patches. She was over a year old and had been seriously injured on a number of occasions by other dogs. At first she would just lay on the floor for hours, not moving. The vet recognized that she had an eye problem where the lid of her eyes would turn all the way inside, causing large sores on her eyeballs. After her eye surgery she took on a whole new hyperactive personality. We grew to love her and her silliness very much.

A few days ago I was heading out to put the dogs in the house and let the chickens and ducks out of the coop and pen to wander the yard and eat their fill of bugs – but something was wrong. On the back porch lay one of my little banty hens, dead. I looked toward the pen – Patches was inside.

I ran as fast as I could to get her out and protect my little flock – but what I saw completely devastated me. All 3 ducks were dead. 7 hens were dead. 2 hens were horribly mutilated but breathing. One rooster was mildly hurt.

How could this happen? We so carefully built the coop and pen to keep out predators, but our own dog got in. On the side of the pen was a hole about 12” wide that she had ripped with her teeth.

We latched down all the coop doors and blocked the hole – but she went back in several times. The other 2 hens died that night, only the rooster remained. We thought we had the pen secure again and I opened the little door from the coop to the pen, so the rooster could walk around. He wasn’t much interested in venturing. He was still so scared.

I checked on him every few hours to see how he was doing, and on one trip found a duck egg in the corner. I took it in the house, washed it and opened the egg carton to put it away – every egg in the carton was cracked open, somehow they had frozen on the top shelf of the fridge. Overwhelming grief struck me. All but one of my chicks and ducks were dead. All of their eggs were destroyed. It was as if God was erasing a section of my life.

That night I kept hearing noises and kept checking the coop. At about 2am I finally fell asleep. At about 4am I woke again – the dog was back in the coop and had mangled the rooster after ripping a 3’ wide hole in the fence. The rooster lived until late in the day. We took the dog to a foster agency that morning, being sure to tell them that she should not be placed in a home with any kind of birds. I could no longer trust her and knew I could not keep her inside either as I have a large collection of domestic birds.

I was filled with pain. I could not understand what had just happened. I had lost all 13 of my flock and I had lost a dog I loved. Even the broken eggs in the ‘fridge seemed to be a message. I was so overwhelmed with grief and cried out to God “Why?”

I pray over my home and animals every day. I pray over the land and the safety of everything on it. I stand in faith believing that when I pray, my prayers are heard and honored. I couldn’t understand why my God would allow this.

I prayed and cried for hours – until I heard God’s voice. “Have you seen my servant Job?” What? Was this merely a trial?

“But God I prayed.” Job prayed and even sacrificed for each of his children so that they would be pure before God as they did not live holy lives.

“But God, you said if I prayed believing . . .?” Job said that God gives us all, and He can take it all away (Job 1:5, 1:8 & 1:21).

God and I spent a lot of time together that day. I was so confused and hurt; He was patient. I was angry; He was loving. I finally said “God, if this was Your will, please take the hurt away and give me peace.”

A soft cloud of peace wrapped me like a blanket. The pain slipped quietly from my heart and I felt such comfort.

I don’t understand why we are given such trials of faith. I don’t know why some things have to be so hard. But I know that when we cry out to God, He is there to bring comfort and peace.

I’m already planning my new flock. This time we’ll use heavier gauge fencing. I will still pray over them every day. I will still trust in those prayers. And, if God allows me to be tested again, I will cry out again for peace – knowing in Who’s hands it rests.

NOTE:  Since this piece I have raised several flocks of chickens and ducks.  It is such a blessing to see them roam around and enjoy life.

Written 7-5-07


13 Oct


For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:  But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.” 

1 Peter 1:24-25

We grow each and every day. What we will be as we grow depends upon our parentage – how we will grow and develop depends on what we allow ourselves to be influenced by.

Just as a flower, a rose will always produce a rose, a lily will produce a lily. But the strength and beauty of the plant is shaped by pure and plentiful water, as well as rich and fertile soil. A beautiful plant will wither and die without ever once producing a flower or seed when grown in a harsh dry area. A simple plant can become abundantly beautiful with special care, dropping its precious seed back into the soil as the flower dies, to produce again and again.

We make a choice – every day, every hour, every moment – as to the type of water we allow to be poured over our seed. We choose the stagnation of wicked thoughts and senseless gossip or the pure washing of the Word.

We make a choice of the ground that our seed will fall into. An arid desert where the children of Israel took 40 years to learn the greatness of God – and even then, only the children were allowed to cross over because the roots of the parents were broken off, but still firmly planted back in Egypt.

We make the choice of cultivating the soil with the rich blessings of God, as well as the truths and laws that give a firm foundation to support a healthy root. We make a choice.

Do we grasp our seed tightly in our hand so that no one else can get to it? Do we toss our seed casually aside, allowing it to fall where it will? Or do we place it carefully between our feet, to be guarded and tended until the day we must go on – and it remain.

The seed you hold is not for you. The seed you hold is not just one seed. The seed you hold is the seed of the seed it shall bear, and the seeds they shall bear, and the seeds they shall bear. Have you prepared for the harvest?

Written 1/2/99