Tag Archives: Gospel

Grounded In Love

2 Sep


“That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God.”  Ephesians 3:17-19 (ASV)

To fully understand the depth of the love of God is probably one of the most difficult things for a Christian, or anyone for that matter.  We sing songs of how He loves us, read scriptures about His love and stand on the promises of His love and compassion for us, but we really don’t understand the depth.  How can we?  How can we know a love so deep, so pure, or intense, that God sent His son to earth to teach us His perfect ways, knowing full well that His son would be tortured and killed?  Not just “killed,” but stripped naked, forced to carry His own device of death through crowds of angry, screaming people, put up on a cross on the hill called Golgatha, and left in the sun to die a death that we cannot even imagine the pain of.  God did that for us.  He did that for me.

I often tell my children that I love them more than they can understand or will understand until they have children of their own.  There is a depth of love between a parent, especially a mother, and a child, that can’t be explained in words – but I don’t think that I could love a group of people enough to take one of my children and commit them to torture and death so that the others could live.  Could you?  God did.

Scripture says that God knew us before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4).  He knew the mistakes we would make, the doubts we would feel, the anger and people we would hurt, the moments that we would scream and curse at Him when things didn’t go well in our lives, and yet He loved us.  He didn’t just “love us,” He loved us with a love “which passeth understanding” (Phil 4:7).  That completely overwhelms me.

When I don’t spend time studying the Word, or on my knees in prayer, He sends His love in a cool breeze on a warm day, and a sky filled with beautiful stars on a dark night.  When I have moments of doubt in the foundations of my faith, He whispers words of peace and love in the night hours.  When I feel alone and lost, He shows me that He is always near me, guiding me, teaching me, setting my steps, never leaving me (Heb 13:5).

It is that love, that deep piercing love, that helps me get back on track.  It is that love that strengthens me after a trial and gives me the ability to reach out and help others that struggle in their own lives.  It is that love that helps me to “run with patience the race that is set before” me (2 Tim 12:1-2), the race of life, sharing the gospel while encouraging and strengthening the children of God.

It is the kind of love that people have for each other where you can’t spend enough time together, and when your loved one speaks, you sit perfectly still so that you don’t miss one word of what they have to say.  Yes, it is that kind of love.  Not a one-sided loved, but where God hangs onto my words and thoughts and feelings and desires, just as much as I hang onto His.  Yes, it is that kind of love, where we are “filled unto all the fulness of God.”  It is that kind of love.

** A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 3, Part 7

Written by Linda J. Humes


A Habitation of God

26 Aug

Uplifted Hands

So then ye are no more strangers and sojourners, but ye are fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone; in whom each several building, fitly framed together, groweth into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:19-22 (ASV)

Have you ever walked into a building or a home and felt complete peace?  It felt like home – warm, open and caring.  The people feel like family you’ve known for your entire life.  You don’t want to leave.  You don’t want to walk back out the door into the confusion and uncertainty of everyday life.  That’s what the “Household of God” feels like.

Have you ever felt like something was missing?  In the happiest of times, in the saddest of times, in the quiet times, in the times of nothingness when you stare blankly into space – something is missing.  Something that you can’t grasp, something just out of your reach of understanding; there is just something missing.

People search for their “inner self” or something to complete them, but they don’t really understand what it is that they are searching for.  They are searching for the period at the end of the sentence.  They are searching for the thing that says “this is home, you belong here.”  They are searching for relationship with God.  Not a church, not a religion, but a relationship that can only be filled by the love of God.

You don’t have to be in a church building to be in the Household of God; you don’t have to be in an organized religion.  The “Household” is the “Temple,” we are the Temple.  The Household of God is within us once we find relationship with our Abba Father.  Scripture says that we are the Temple of God and that the Spirit dwells in us (1 Cor 3:16).  It says that our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and that we are from God, we are no longer our own (1 Cor 6:19).  It says that God dwells in us and walks in us, we are His people – the Temple and Household of God (2 Cor 6:16).

We, as believers are lead spiritually (built upon), by the foundation of the apostles and prophets who preached the gospel of Christ, and that Jesus Himself is the Chief Cornerstone; the very piece that holds everything together and in place.  Scripture says that we are fitly framed together, each person having a place, a calling, a position, in the whole Household of God, no one person being greater than another, but all being called to a specific position that supports all of the rest of the body.

We are all fitted together Spiritually into one body (Romans 12:4-8, 1 Cor 12:4-7) and all fitted together physically into one body (1 Cor 12:14-26).  We are all pulled together in a bond of peace and unity to continue to teach the message of Christ (Eph 4:4-7).  We are built together as a strong body, brought together through the relationship we share with God, made a Habitation of God, by the working of the Holy Spirit.

How do you know if the Holy Spirit and the deep relationship rests within you?  You can feel it.    How do you know if your Temple is right?  There will be peace.  There will be a feeling of being home.  You will feel the presence of God, working through the Holy Spirit, letting you know that you are in the Habitation / Household of God.

Surround yourself with people in the same place of peace.  Pray for your own spiritual growth as well as those who are struggling to get into right spiritual relationship with God.  Keep your temple clean so that God will want to remain and help you mature even farther.

“Here am I, Lord Jesus.  Here am I!”

**  A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 2, Part 9

Written by Linda J. Humes


By One Spirit

25 Aug

flames of fire from angel

“And (Christ Jesus) came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” Ephesians 2:17-18

The Bible speaks of many aspects of “spirits” and events related to them. 1 John 4:1-3 tells us to test the “Spirit” to see if the words being spoken to you are of the “Spirit” of God, the “Spirit” of a false prophet or the “Spirit” of the antichrist. Mark 1:23-26 speaks of an unclean “Spirit” (demon) being cast out of a man by Jesus, and “tearing him” as it left. Matt 12:43-44 and Luke 11:24 speak of unclean “Spirits” (demons) being cast out of a person, but if the person does not fill their body, soul, and “Spirit” with the word of God and a clean living, those unclean “Spirits” will return with seven more and take back over the person.

1 Samuel 16:14 speaks of Saul. Saul had turned his back on God and had become very jealous of David (who would be King). Saul tried to destroy David on many occasions, only to fail. This scripture states “But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.” I find this passage to be very unsettling. Can a person be anointed by God to rule a land, or pastor a church, or care for a flock, with the “Spirit” of God leading them, and then fall so deep into deception that God removes His anointing and replaces it with an evil “Spirit?” Based upon this scripture the answer would be “yes.” No man, however powerful he may be, is untouchable by the hand of God. One day a King, the next day a mad man, filled with evil “Spirits.”

But, our hope is in the second chapter of Acts, the day of Pentecost. The day when the “Spirit” of God came down on the 12 disciples, praying all together in one accord, since the day of the crucifixion of Jesus. Acts 2:2-4: “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the “Spirit” gave them utterance.” After that day they became a mighty team, sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, and on that very day of Pentecost, by the powerful words working through them, they received the commitment to the Gospel of 3000 people, baptizing them in the Name of Jesus. Glory!

The group broke away into teams and traveled all over the kingdom to preach the gospel and share the ministry of Jesus. In our Ephesian passage, Paul takes us back to the works of Jesus and the gift we all have through Him. His powerful words give us strength to continue forward, knowing that God has our very interest in His hand.

And (Christ Jesus) came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him (Jesus) we both have access by one Spirit (Holy Spirit) unto the Father (God). Ephesians 2:17-18

No matter how far we have strayed away, He will send someone to find us and show us the way back. If we are near to God but hurting, He will send someone with a word of comfort and strength. If we have allowed evil “Spirits” to enter out life, He will send the Holy “Spirit” to cleanse us and provide a new avenue through prayer, directly to the throne room. And through it all, no matter how far we have fallen away, if we pray, believing, the Holy “Spirit” will deliver our prayers directly to the ear of God.

A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 2, Part 8

Written by Linda J. Humes


Now In Christ

23 Aug


(11) Wherefore remember, that once ye, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called Circumcision, in the flesh, made by hands; (12) that ye were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (13) But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ.

The first verse of or our text takes me back to my roots. Not to the day of being reborn, but to the days of my childhood. I was living in a small desert town in southern California; no running water, no indoor plumbing, jack rabbits for dinner, popcorn for breakfast. I was a nobody headed for nowhere . . . But God! God saw this skinny little towheaded kid, with a tender heart, and He made a place for me in His Kingdom.

In the days of the Old Testament, only the Jews were God’s Chosen People. He led them and provided shelter and food for them in the most desperate of times. But with the Birth of Christ and the gospel of promise came the understanding of the Great Mystery (1 Corinthians 2:7). No longer was salvation earned through a birthright (those of circumcision of the hands), it was freely given to all who would believe on Jesus and accept Him as the Son of God, our Savior (1 Corinthians 1:24-25) (circumcision of the heart and spirit).

No longer would salvation and eternal life be given to the mechanics of birth, circumcision and living the religious life passed down from Jewish father to Jewish son. Now there had to be more than the yearly “required” trips, bloody animal sacrifices and the “holy” rituals. Now there had to be spiritual covenants, promises of faith, humility and hope in the gospel, brought to draw an entire world to the saving grace of God. Now those without hope can receive the promise of eternal life and continued relationship with God.

Today we can all be Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Whether born in Israel or in the back alley of a dead end street in the worse part of town; we all have the opportunity to become part of the Body of Christ. We are all born to a mighty and loving God that wishes that all would receive His Word, brought through the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, and freely given to all who would ask. Eternal life in a mansion with streets paved in gold. Everyone. Even that skinny little towheaded kid, raised in poverty, with no hope for tomorrow, one day to become a pastor and bring the love of Christ to a hurting people. Even you!

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Romans 11:29 (KJV)

** A Journey Through Ephesians: Chapter 2 – Part 6:

By Linda J. Humes


A Spirit of Wisdom

13 Aug

Light from inside bible

“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,” Ephesians 1:17-18 (ASV)

I remember, when I was in my younger years, that I tried to read the Bible.  I started in Genesis and never made it much past creation.  I was an avid reader and could not understand why it was so difficult to make sense of the Bible.  I recognized that there was a language written within the book that I could not understand or comprehend.  I tried multiple time to read it, but always ended up just looking at the pictures that my little zippered Bible had inside.  It was a precious gift that I treasured and hoped that someday I would be able to make sense of.

When I gave my life to Jesus I started to read the Bible in Matthew.  The parables and stories were easier to read.  This was the story of Jesus and those who followed Him, something that I could associate with.  It was written by His followers, His Disciples, those who loved and traveled with Him – I felt a connection.  Unfortunately, the Old Testament still didn’t make any sense and the New Testament, although easier to read, was still a story, not a living testimony.

One day, after almost a year of prayer, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit.  Things changed.  Words I had read before, in both the New and Old Testaments came to life.  They were real and living and life changing.  I could feel the scriptures, I could see the stories being told, I became a part of the living Word of God.  It was as real as any person.  It was more than I could have ever imagined.  It was living truth.

In Ephesians 1:17 Paul is praying that God would give the listener, us, the “Spirit of Wisdom” – a wisdom and understanding that can only be felt through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.  He wanted them to feel the personal relationship with Jesus that makes all of the Word a reality to the believer.

The word “Spirit” is also described as the “Breath” or “Wind” of God.  His Breath speaks deep into our souls of the truth, holiness and power that is birthed inside of us when we receive His Holy Spirit.  We read and hear His spoken word and apply the wisdom we received to every circumstance we encounter (John 16:13).

Paul also prayed for the Revelation of the knowledge of Christ. That all of the saints would speak the word in one accord, not in conflict or divisions of opinion of what it means (1 Corinthians 1:9-10).  He prayed that they would share the message of love, joy, and a setting apart from the ways of the world.  God’s word, read through the eyes of the spirit filled saint, has a new life, a new drive, and it births a desire to share the message.

Paul prayed that through the Spirit of Wisdom and the Revelation of Knowledge that we would be enlightened to the truth of the gospel.  He prayed that we would be enlightened to God’s true Spirit, felt in the intimate times of prayer and worship.  He prayed that we would be able to hear the very voice of God in times of meditation, so that we would know what God’s hope is in each of us.  Paul prayed that we would be enlightened to the calling God has placed upon our lives (2 Thessalonians 2:14).

Paul had first-hand knowledge of the voice of God and how it changes the heart of man.  Paul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, when he thought he knew what was right and truth based upon a knowledge passed down from generations to generation.  But the voice of God cut through him like a knife and performed an intimate miracle (Acts 26:14-15).  It was a miracle that made Paul the most powerful apostle of all time.  Paul knew the impact of the words he spoke (Ephesians 1: 17-18) and what it would mean to those who listened and received with an earnest heart.  Paul knew the inheritance that would lie ahead for each and every one who received his prayer and gathered it to their soul.

Lord, as I received your Holy Spirit and believed in the call that you placed on my life, I pray that others will receive the same gift, with humbleness and grace.  Help them to understand that they cannot receive the fullness of your glory if they do not have the intimate relationship with You that can only be received through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.  Lord, I pray that every saint will take that next step toward You, with a heart of desire to know You more. Until that day of prayer, they will only know the shadow of You, they will only know the story of You.  After they have prayed through to the Holy Ghost, they will know the true heart and soul of You; the intimate tender relationship of You.

**A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 1, Part 10.

Written by Linda J. Humes



2 Aug

Ancient wax seal

(Christ) . . . “in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation,– in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is an earnest of our inheritance, unto the redemption of God’s own possession, unto the praise of his glory. ‘Ephesians 1:13-14 (ASV)

Over the last several years I have learned how to can.  Canning is generally quite simple, but with a few very critical components – time, pressure, temperature and most importantly, seal. Without a solid seal on the lid, the precious food inside will spoil.

Back in early times, when royalty sent a letter or a message, they wanted to be sure that the receiver was assured that the message had come from them. To do so they folded the paper and melted bitumen onto the end of the paper, then used a signet ring to press their specific emblem onto the paper, sealing it closed.  This was later replaced by a heavy wax and even later, envelopes with a wax seal over the closure point.  The seal kept the precious message for the eyes of the receiver only.  Once the seal was broken, it could not be resealed.

God‘s people used Bitumen as far back as Genesis when wanting to seal something of great importance.  Noah used bitumen (also called pitch) when waterproofing the Ark (Gen 6:14).  It was used to line the basket in which Moses was placed as a baby, to keep it afloat (Exodus 2:3). It was used to bind the bricks when building the Tower of Babel (well, that’s another story).

Sealing was used to place a mark of ownership and to establish where something came from and the authority with which it was sent.  Sealing was a means of protection from an outside element, such as water, wind or storm.  Sealing also was used to set something apart, or someone apart, protecting them from a peril of the time.

God has placed the Seal of the Holy Spirit upon all believers.  This seal brings us wisdom, foreknowledge, protection from the evil one, and proof of our right to eternal life with Christ.  The Seal is clearly on our foreheads, the same Seal that God placed on His son (John 6:27), is visible in the spiritual realm, marking our place (Revelation 9:4; Revelation 7:3).

This Seal is only the earnest of our inheritance, only the first sign, a small portion of what is to come, when we become children of God (2 Corinthians 1:22).  It is a deposit, a security, a pledge, the first installment of the wonderful gift; the inheritance of eternal life (John 3:15-16), a mansion fashioned to every individual (John 14:2-3), redemption from this world of pain and suffering to a Heavenly place where there will no longer be tears or anguish (Revelation 21:4).  We become God’s prized possession, sealed by the price of the life of His dear son, Jesus Christ.  Sealed by the blood of the perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 10:12-14).  Sealed by a bond that cannot be broken.

Lord, help me to always give you the glory and praise for the seal you have placed on my life.  Let me remember the sacrifice Your precious Son gave that I might receive this precious gift.  Help me to remember that even as I leave this earth, Your seal is forever visible by those in Heavenly places and the hand of evil can never remove it.  Praise Your Holy Name.

**A Journey through Ephesians – Chapter 1, Part 8

Written by Linda J. Humes


The Mystery

2 Aug

Hands with Light Shining - Mystery

Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: Ephesians 1:9 (ASV)

Back when I was growing up there wasn’t anything better than a good Mystery to fill a Saturday night. I didn’t have TV until I was almost 10, and there were very few shows; reading filled my spare time and sharing it with Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys was delightful.

The wonderful thing about a mystery is that you are given little bits of information in a venue of intrigue, and through those bits of information, added to as the story unfolds, you can understand an event that took place, or a great truth that is not easily understood, and it all comes to perfect clarity. The “Mystery” of the New Testament is very much the same.

Although the Mystery was in God from the beginning of time it was revealed in a time when the church of Jesus Christ was being birthed and Christians were being persecuted and killed for their faith. Disciples were reaching out to new areas, sharing the word of the Gospel to all who would hear and being imprisoned and tortured for their determination. It was an extremely difficult and exciting time for all involved. New hope was being shared and lives were being changed by the words of those who were willing to place their lives in danger to bring the truth. They brought the secret to the Mystery (Rom 16:25-17).

This Mystery, shared within the precious Gospel, was a truth undiscoverable, except by revelation (Mark 4:11). A truth shared by Jesus to his Disciples and sent into all the world (Mark 16:15). A truth rejected by the Jews of the time, the chosen people of God, not willing to believe that there would be any other people that could ever be as precious to God as they were. A truth revealed that the gentile, the non-Jew, were as precious and loved by God as the Jewish people that He brought into existence and walked daily with, bringing them out of Egyptian slavery, across the wilderness and where He provided for their every need, both on the slave side – wilderness side – and promised side of their lives.

This Mystery, held in secret until a group of people were prepared to place their lives at odds to share it, had been in the heart of God from the beginning of time (Eph 3:9, Eph 6:19-20). A Mystery that says we are ALL precious in His sight (John 3:15-16). A Mystery that says that no matter where you have been, no matter what you have done, God stands waiting for you (Acts 3:19). Anyone, who is willing is welcome to receive the gift of the Mystery – any age, race, creed, conviction, or historical behaviors – all are welcomed into the gift of the Mystery and can become the Children of God. This is, by far, the greatest Mystery of the Bible.

There are other Mysteries in the Bible: The Bride of Christ (Eph 5:30-32), the Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Rev 29:9), the Seven Stars and the Seven Candlesticks (Rev 1:20), and the Woman Clothed in Scarlet (Rev 17:1-7). But of all of the Mysteries, knowing that I am fully accepted and loved by God, born a gentile and of low esteem, is an amazing feeling. Yet, going further, Ephesians 1:9 doesn’t just mention the Mystery, it also mentions that He revealed the Mystery of “His Will” according to “His Good Pleasure” which He has “Purposed in Himself”. He made me a part of His Mystery for His joy, not just for mine.

Thank you Lord for the unraveling of Your Mystery. Thank You for making me fully Yours. Help me to share the revelation of Your gift so that all can receive the love You have been wanting to show them. Glory!

** A Journey Through Ephesians –  Chapter 1, Part 5

Written by Linda J. Humes



7 Oct

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.   1 Corinthians 12:28 (KJV)

Sun glistens through the flowing golden honey,

Slowly – deliberately – gracefully,

It edges downward toward the earth.

The secret of the hive is revealed,

The source of perfect sweetness at the hand of God.

There it glistens – calling to a tender heart,

taste and see” – “taste and see”

the incomparable savor of God.

Come ye born to Apostle.

Come ye born to Teach.

Reach forth ye Shepherds and collect enough to satisfy your flock.

Help him to carry – those called as Servants.

Come ye – those called to pray the gift of Healing into this treasure.

Multiply the pots – those called to Miracles.

Prepare the way – those called to chart the Path.

Speak the Word of deliverance – in the tongues of angels,

That no soul will go untouched.

Raise up your voice in harmonious worship,

Preparing the Heavenlies.

Let the song of the Lord flow forth,

Golden – Sweet – Pure

As God’s rich nectar.

Fear not the gifts God has birthed inside you.

Fear not the power of the Anointing as it flows through you.

Be not concerned at the doubting words of man,

they understand not.

Speak the Word with a tongue touched with honey,

Pure – untainted – deliberate.

Be the untouched – untouchable Gospel,



Written 6-16-07

Forbearing One Another

19 Apr

“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3

Probably the most common question I hear from a Christian is, “How do I know what God is calling me to do?”  It’s a tough question.  It’s something that isn’t always obvious to you, and yet could be to other people around you. Sometimes there are folks who push us to serve God in a capacity never meant for us, just to fill a need.  Sometimes we move around doing different things in the body, and all of the sudden we realize that we are in a position that we are very good at and there is a great need for.  Sometimes we are doing exactly what God has called us to do, but we haven’t realized it yet.  How often do we spend so much time trying to figure out what our call is that we miss all of the opportunities at hand to help us prepare for that call?

I belonged to a wonderful church in Chino Valley, AZ that made the decision to feed the community at Thanksgiving.  Everyone was invited, at no cost to them, no preaching, just food and a little gift bag.  It was an amazing time for the entire church as they came together to make this event happen.  For months food was collected, assignments made, food handler cards obtained, and teams organized.  It wasn’t a large church, but it had a big heart with a big vision.

During those months of preparation everyone in that small church had to pull together to make such an extravagant event come together to bring the blessing to the community.  Every person had to recognize those called to authority and submit to those people’s callings, as they found where they fit in best for this particular event.  There were those who donated or collected food.  Those who cleaned, prepared, sorted, and cooked the food.  There were those who made the dining area beautiful and inviting.  There were those who greeted the guests, helped people park, ushered folks to the food tables and made people comfortable.  There were those who stepped in, at any place along the way, into any position that needed extra help; they saw a need and they filled it.  There were those who interceded in prayer for weeks prior to the event and all the way through until the rooms were clean and the doors locked.  Then there were those who kept records and notes and started the planning procedure for the following year’s event.  It was, and continues to be, a life changing event.

Our scripture reference is a perfect formula for the preparing and executing of an event like the one described above, or any type of event where a large (or small) group of people need to come together to bring a wonderful program to others, whether churched or unchurched.  Perhaps you will give me the grace to paraphrase the scripture to explain what I mean.

“I ask that you would work together on any event to which you have been requested, not lifting yourself up to a position for which you feel you deserve, but graciously accepting any position that those in authority feel you are best fitted to perform. Work together with humility, gentleness, patience; encouraging one another through prayer and word, and honoring each other’s duties and assignments with Christian love.  Keep in mind the final goal, working hard for the souls that will be touched and drawn to salvation, as you remember the Spirit that guides each and every saint through the bond of peace.”

I wonder how many times we get so caught up in wanting to know what God has specifically called us to do, that we completely miss the fact that He has called us to be bondservants, working diligently together, to further the Gospel and honor the lost and hurting (1 Peter 3:8, 1 Cor 1:10).  Hebrews 12:1 tells us to set aside every weight (anything that might hold us back) and run, with patience, the race (or event) that has been set before us.  Can we set aside the need to have a title, or a specific call, to fulfill the needs of spreading the Gospel?  Let us all be known as servants in His Kingdom.

**A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 4, Part 1

Written by Linda J. Humes



Gifts, Callings and Ministries:

Here is a list of Gifts, Callings and Ministries from Scripture, along with their references.  I hope you find this interesting and useful.

Romans 12:6-8 – Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Mercy.

1 Corinthians 12:28 – Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Miracles, Kinds of healings, Helps, Administration, Tongues.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10 – Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Faith, Gifts of healings, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning between spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of tongues.

Ephesians 4:11 – 5 Fold Ministry – Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher.

1 Peter 4:11 – Whoever speaks, Whoever renders service.

Other Gifts Mentioned – Celibacy (1 Corinthians 7:7), Hospitality (1 Peter 4:9-10), Intercession (Romans 8:26-27), Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:7), Effective Witnessing (Acts 1:8), Craftsmanship (Exodus 35:30-33), Interpretation of Dreams (Joseph & Daniel), Composing Spiritual Music, Poetry and Prose, Charity.