Tag Archives: Gentile

The Promise In Jesus Christ

28 Aug


(The Mystery) “which in other generation was not made known unto the sons of men, as it hath now been revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit; to wit, that the Gentiles are fellow-heirs, and fellow-members of the body, and fellow-partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel,” Ephesians 3:5-6

We all love a good mystery. We are given a certain set of facts and circumstances and we try to figure out why and how something “did” happen, or is “about” to happen.

I was late in dedicating my life to God and the ministry. I always knew about God, I prayed all the time, I talked to Him and He talked to me, but I never made the personal commitment and dedication of my life to study and ministry until I was 38 years old.

Nine months after my commitment, I made the decision to leave my job of 19+ years, work part time, and dedicate my time to Biblical study and Kingdom Ministry. I worked from home and learned to balance my schedule which included my 5-year-old son, work, study, and prayer. Unfortunately, my income barely covered my bills. Trips anywhere were carefully calculated and groceries purchases were tough. God provided for us in very unusual and “mysterious” ways.

One day, my next door neighbor came by with several big boxes of dented cans; no labels. He had heard that we were struggling and wanted to help. He wasn’t sure what was in each can, only that it was food. We gratefully thanked him and started our new adventures of “mystery meals!” My son would choose 2 cans every night and whatever was inside was dinner. We had many good laughs over green beans and peaches, or spinach and pears.

One day a friend brought us several packages of deer meat from his previous year’s hunt as he had just been successful in the current year hunt and needed the freezer space. Mystery dinner with a deer roast!

I remember sitting at the table, finished blessing the food, and took a bite of the roast. It was wonderful. Then the big smile on my face quickly turned to tears as I said, “Lord, forgive me, I’m eating Bambi!” For the first time I heard God laugh. It wasn’t a little snicker or chuckle, it was a full belly laugh. I figured that must have meant that it was okay to eat, we enjoyed that meal for days. A “mystery” with a delightful blessing.

I find it odd that they call the acceptance of all people into God’s family as a Mystery (Col 1:26). God created all men and women. There are examples of non-Jews all through the Bible that found favor with God as they followed His ways and blessed His servants. All people were born from the lineage of Eve (Gen 3:20). All came from the lineage of Noah (Gen 9:1, 18-19). Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Tribes that became Jerusalem, all started from the same lineage.

The question I struggle with is, how did everyone and everything get separated out to begin with? People made decisions, choices and cultures based upon their physical locations. Circumstances and events separated them, and somehow the nations and “religions” changed with it (Gen 10:5). One bad decision led to another, a door was opened to evil, father-son-mother-daughter at war within the family and with others in their country. Boom, the divisions occurred – Jews and Gentiles. It was never meant to be that way. It was a condition of the heart. It was a condition of the soul. It was the consequence of free will.

In Ephesians, the Apostles are trying to explain how all people, Jew and Gentile, were God’s children and all have the opportunity at eternal life, with their acceptance of Jesus Christ. ALL PEOPLE. No preferences of peoples or tribes. No more divisions. Back to the way God intended it to be from the beginning. Mystery solved.

Thank you for loving us and tucking us back under Your wings when we stray (Ps 91:4). Thank you for the mysteries in life and the abilities You give us to solve them and move past them. Thank you God for believing in me and breaking down the walls men put up, so many years ago, as I was born a Gentile, but grafted back into Your kingdom by grace.

** A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 3, Part 2

Written by Linda J. Humes



27 Aug


“For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you Gentiles,– if so be that ye have heard of the dispensation of that grace of God which was given me to you-ward; how that by revelation was made known unto me the mystery, as I wrote before in few words, whereby, when ye read, ye can perceive my understanding in the mystery of Christ;”  Ephesians 3:1-4 (ASV)

To say that I’ve had memory issues over the last 7 months would be an understatement.  The day-to-day activities became day-to-day challenges. Luckily, when I was working, I was so organized in my responsibilities that the deficiency wasn’t as noticeable.  At home, not so much.

Just this last week I was shocked to receive alerts from my bank that I had overdrawn my account, something that has not happened in so many years that I can’t recall the last time it happened.  I have always been very diligent in making sure that I had enough in the account to make it through the month, not with a wide margin, but a safe one.

When I checked with the bank it was clear what I had done . . . . eeerrr, not done.  I had paid 2 medical bills that I forgot to log into my register.  Goodness.  I was so frustrated with myself and my memory issues.  On top of the checks, the bank charged an overdraft fee (adding insult to injury!).  I was beside myself.  I knew that I could not cover these expenses.

I called the bank and explained the problem.  I had sent my son to the bank with what cash I had, it covered the overage, but not the bank fee.  I asked the bank if there was any way to waive the fee since I had a deposit in prior to the overdraft charge going against my account.  They said they would talk it over and call me back.  It was now in the hands of the bank. I said a prayer.

A few hours later I received a call from the bank.  Grace!  They had given me a one-time waiver for the bank fee.  I had received grace at the hands of strangers.  I didn’t deserve it, I made the error, it was completely my fault.

Grace.  If the bank had not honored my request my account would have gathered additional charges every day for another 6 days.  My banking account would have been seriously jeopardized and I likely would not have been able to meet all of my obligations the following month.  Grace.

God’s grace makes this wonderful event pale by example.  God’s grace covers the sins of a murderer, at the moment of repentance, forgiving the horrendous and accepting the person into eternal life.  God’s grace forgives the sins of a nation that has forsaken Him, when only a handful stand in repentance for their land, protecting them against the attacks of the enemy.

God’s grace took ALL people, Jew and Gentile, and made them equal in His eyes, by their acceptance of His Son, Jesus Christ – the great “Mystery.”  Such a simple concept.  Grace.  How can we ever thank Him enough?

** A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 3, Part 1

Written by Linda J. Humes


One New Man

24 Aug


“For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition, having abolished in the flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; that he might create in himself of the two one new man, so making peace; and might reconcile them both in one body unto God through the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:” Ephesians 2:14-16 (ASV)

I remember, when I was in my mid-twenties, I thought I would never be my own person.  I went from being Bobby’s daughter to being Bob’s wife and I never was recognized as myself, Linda.  I was always somebody else’s something.  It felt quite frustrating.  It wasn’t until many years later that I began being recognized as an independent person with skills and talents that recognized me by my own name.  I was a person, still daughter to one, and wife to another, but identified as all 3 for being who I was.

In the Bible, the Jewish lineage was very important.  From Numbers to the “begats” of Matthew, each person’s lineage was lined out for the importance of coming from a family of wealth or power, or from the lineage of a harlot, or being born to a simple peasant girl.  It wasn’t that there was a specific pattern of where you had to come from to what you were going to become.  It was/is a book of stories of people.  People who made horrible decisions and suffered the consequences.  People who fought through temptations and trials, but had a heart humbled and dedicated to God.  People who were just trying to find their way in life and lived a decided life in faith.  Even we are there, in the parallels, in the passages, in the words of “those who believe” (John 11:25-26).  The Bible is just about people – and God – and choices.

Yet between the Old Testament and the New Testament there was a crevasse.  A deep division between the Jew and the Gentile.  One people chosen by God from birth.  One people, for the most part, set on destroying the Jewish people and all they stood for.  A division which seemed could never be healed or bridged.  Then came the birth of Jesus and a new Covenant.  Then came hope for all who would listen.

With the ministry of Jesus came a new message of love (Matt 6:14), forgiveness (Matt 18:22) and equality (Gal 3:26-29).  Jesus’ life was seen by many as a breaking of the Old Testament laws of God.  His ministry included both Jew and Gentile, both men and women, both rich and poor, both good and bad.  His ministry took the extremes of all walks of life and proved that with trust and love, God could work through any person (Phil 2:13), and any person could turn a life of questionable decisions and behaviors into a life filled with faith and integrity.  His ministry took the crevasse and bridged it with the love only God could birth.  A love so strong that it held the heaviest of burdens and the longest of tribal hate and wars, shaped them into a robe of righteousness (Heb 7:25), and clothed a nation with a heart of unity.

Even in His death, chains of hate, confusion and tradition fell away from those who watched, who beat him, who gambled for his clothing, who laughed at him as they pushed the thorns of the crown deep into his forehead.  They saw, on that day, this was no ordinary man, punished by an angry crowd screaming “Crucify Him” (Matt 27:45-54).  They saw the sky darken and felt the earth tremble.  They heard His voice cry out to His Father “Forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).  This had never happened before.

By His death, Jesus’ words and teachings created a new way.  Jew and Gentile became one nation (Eph 2:11-17).  The Gentile could become a confirmed child of the living God by accepting the Son.  The old laws of sacrifice and traditional gatherings to ask for the forgiveness of their and their family’s sins were taken away (1 John 3:9).  Now it was ALL by faith (Heb 8:6).  The war that raged between these two factions of people had no reason to continue; they had always been equally loved by God, but could now realize that they were equal in the eyes of God.  This was by the birth of the Son of God to a simple peasant girl and His death, 33 years later, at the hands of an angry and deceived crowd.

The veil in the Holy of Holies was rent (Matt 27:51).  The prayers of the people were now to be offered directly to God and His son, who intercedes for us.  The barriers of birth were removed.  The “People” became “One New Man;” One New People.  And, in this country, at least for now, we are free to worship God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Today I have a new name.  I am Linda, child of the living God.  I like that.

**A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 2 – Part 7

Written by Linda J. Humes


Gathering Together

2 Aug

crowd hands up

‘That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:” Ephesians 1:10 (KJV)

I remember when I first started raising chickens.  In the morning I would open up their henhouse and the little fenced-in yard and would let them run in the tall grass outside.  They would scatter to the 4 winds and have the best time.

Later, I would try to encourage them to return to the safety of their pen and house, but they would have none of it.  People would tell me not to worry, they said that as it grew dark they would return to their roost.  Didn’t happen.  It would take the entire family “shooing” and flapping arms to get them back in.  It continued day after day, and in all of our frustration we decided it was easier not to let them out.

Gathering my little flock was more of an exercise in futility than anything.  I wanted to protect them, keep them warm and safe, and give them the food and water they needed to grow and multiply.  They wanted freedom – dangerous and exciting freedom.

In Ephesians 1:9-10, God says that He is revealing the mystery so that all He has chosen will know to “gather” together, both Jew and Gentile, both living and those who have passed on to Heaven before us – for His Pleasure.  Gathering at a specified time, of which only He is aware.

The Mystery revealed that there would be a dispensation, a breaking of the Old Testament laws, an immunity for those Gentiles with a heart toward God, as big and as genuine as any Jew born into the right of the inheritance.  What a blessing for you and I, for now we can receive all of the promises and encouragement from the Old Testament.  We have become joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), we receive a fully equal inheritance (Acts 20:32), being made acceptable by the mystery revealed to all through the Holy Ghost (Romans 15:16).

When the spiritual calls of the Saints have been completed and the time is right, the fullness of time, God will speak to every righteous heart, both dead and alive, and they will gather unto Him for the final gift; the gift of knowing that they are completely and irrevocably His, into eternity.  Holy, Holy, Holy!

Oh, my Jesus, gather us to Your side as a father to his children.  Let us accept Your treasured gift and not feel unworthy or torn away by seducing freedom.  May we understand our value in You, in all of our brokenness, and gather together at Your feet in worship.

**A Journey through Ephesians – Chapter 1, Part 6

Written by Linda J. Humes


The Mystery

2 Aug

Hands with Light Shining - Mystery

Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: Ephesians 1:9 (ASV)

Back when I was growing up there wasn’t anything better than a good Mystery to fill a Saturday night. I didn’t have TV until I was almost 10, and there were very few shows; reading filled my spare time and sharing it with Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys was delightful.

The wonderful thing about a mystery is that you are given little bits of information in a venue of intrigue, and through those bits of information, added to as the story unfolds, you can understand an event that took place, or a great truth that is not easily understood, and it all comes to perfect clarity. The “Mystery” of the New Testament is very much the same.

Although the Mystery was in God from the beginning of time it was revealed in a time when the church of Jesus Christ was being birthed and Christians were being persecuted and killed for their faith. Disciples were reaching out to new areas, sharing the word of the Gospel to all who would hear and being imprisoned and tortured for their determination. It was an extremely difficult and exciting time for all involved. New hope was being shared and lives were being changed by the words of those who were willing to place their lives in danger to bring the truth. They brought the secret to the Mystery (Rom 16:25-17).

This Mystery, shared within the precious Gospel, was a truth undiscoverable, except by revelation (Mark 4:11). A truth shared by Jesus to his Disciples and sent into all the world (Mark 16:15). A truth rejected by the Jews of the time, the chosen people of God, not willing to believe that there would be any other people that could ever be as precious to God as they were. A truth revealed that the gentile, the non-Jew, were as precious and loved by God as the Jewish people that He brought into existence and walked daily with, bringing them out of Egyptian slavery, across the wilderness and where He provided for their every need, both on the slave side – wilderness side – and promised side of their lives.

This Mystery, held in secret until a group of people were prepared to place their lives at odds to share it, had been in the heart of God from the beginning of time (Eph 3:9, Eph 6:19-20). A Mystery that says we are ALL precious in His sight (John 3:15-16). A Mystery that says that no matter where you have been, no matter what you have done, God stands waiting for you (Acts 3:19). Anyone, who is willing is welcome to receive the gift of the Mystery – any age, race, creed, conviction, or historical behaviors – all are welcomed into the gift of the Mystery and can become the Children of God. This is, by far, the greatest Mystery of the Bible.

There are other Mysteries in the Bible: The Bride of Christ (Eph 5:30-32), the Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Rev 29:9), the Seven Stars and the Seven Candlesticks (Rev 1:20), and the Woman Clothed in Scarlet (Rev 17:1-7). But of all of the Mysteries, knowing that I am fully accepted and loved by God, born a gentile and of low esteem, is an amazing feeling. Yet, going further, Ephesians 1:9 doesn’t just mention the Mystery, it also mentions that He revealed the Mystery of “His Will” according to “His Good Pleasure” which He has “Purposed in Himself”. He made me a part of His Mystery for His joy, not just for mine.

Thank you Lord for the unraveling of Your Mystery. Thank You for making me fully Yours. Help me to share the revelation of Your gift so that all can receive the love You have been wanting to show them. Glory!

** A Journey Through Ephesians –  Chapter 1, Part 5

Written by Linda J. Humes
