12 Sep

Blood on Angel's wings

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:53 (KJV)

We have a big beautiful porch on the front of our home.  It faces south and it’s a beautiful view down into the valley.  When weather permits, I have my devotional and Bible Study time in my rocker, out on the porch. I thank God every day for allowing me to live there and enjoy the beauty set before me.

Last year we noticed the wood railing was showing signs of sun and rain wear – it was time to stain and water-seal the wood.  Out we went, the two youngest boys and I – gloves, rags, newspapers, paintbrushes and stain.  We each took a section and went to task.  Stain was flying everywhere.  I tried to convince them to keep the stain off the concrete floor – well!!

It seemed like it took forever, and the stained concrete will probably fade away with age.  It looked so much nicer.

A week or so later, during devotional time, I noticed something on one of my 3’ angels that stood in the flowerbed by the porch.  I walked up to get a better view and it took my breath away.  A careless sling of a brush had splashed the angel with what looked like large drops of blood.  “Jesus, Your Blood.”

My mind went back to that fateful day, when my Lord hung on the cross.  His blood pouring from His head, His back, His sides, His hands and His feet.  Were there angels at the foot of His cross?  Did they wait, hoping that the Father would speak and stop what was about to happen as he did with Abraham and Isaac?  Did they encamp around Him to be sure the will of the Father was done – weeping with sadness at the pain and torture of the Son?  Did His blood drip down on their wings as they waited for those final words, “It is finished?”  Did they carry His Spirit to Heaven when the earth shook and the sky darkened?  Did the Blood turn to Oil as they moved between the Heavens?

I know that angels encamp around us every day; watching, protecting, guiding.  They are one of the wonderful gifts God surrounds us with.  They comfort us, wrapping their arms around us when we cry.  When we celebrate with joy, they dance along with us.  They sit and watch over us when we are ill.  They wait for a Word from the Father.

I wonder, did one of the angels that guides me every day – kneel at the foot of the cross?

Written by Linda J. Humes


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