Tag Archives: Study

Dear Friends

25 Oct

”Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

We all have memories; some wonderful, some good, some bad, some nightmare grade. We don’t dwell on those memories, unless we get together with family and friends and the “remember when\s” start up. Once in a while something triggers a memory that takes you back; a smell, a touch, a glance at something similar, or maybe a dream.

I was looking at my one bookcase of books and study materials that remain in my small home. Books have always been dear friends to me. They took me away on incredible adventures, or to a world I would never be able to see in person. They answered questions that no one nearby could reasonably explain. They helped me see into the heart, mind or soul of a person, place or event; some imaginary, some real. They inspired me to think!

If it was a story book or a poetry book, the pages had to stay clean and unwrinkled. No folded corners or marks, except for a date on the front page indicating when I had read it, and my name and address if I had loaned it out. If it was a study book, the pages would be highlighted and notes in the columns and sides of the page of thoughts to remember. Notes to teach from, notes to write from. Books – dear friends and precious teachers.

Those memories that I spoke of are the root of every writer’s story. The memory that started this piece was how much I loved the first day of school. Stepping through the classroom door and smelling the fresh coat of wax on the floor, the stack of freshly sharpened pencils, the inky smell of the tan/brown paper with stout royal blue lines, and a new textbook. The first thing I would do is open the book and put my face deep into the pages, breathing in the rich printing press smell. Dear friends that take me far away from the trials and the challenges of today and into a place of hope and promise. Dear friends that took me places I could not go to and taught me things I did not know.

A little over a year ago I moved into the smallest house I’ve had. I made the decision not to keep a library. I kept my one bookcase of materials to teach and counsel from. I have been on an incredible faith journey since March 1988, when I met Jesus in an intimate and personal way. Books have helped me along the way.

I thank you Lord, for the words you have placed in people’s hearts to share with the world. Words they may never realize made a difference in the lives of others. Words of a tale, words of a concept, words of history, or words of encouragement, helping us to step forward a little stronger every day. Thank you, I am truly grateful.

——– Update:

Since this writing in 2012 I have moved into a much smaller home – and rebuilt my library. Not as large as it once was, but delightfully larger, and hope to build bookcases in my second bedroom to accommodate these books and more to come!!!

Written by Linda J. Humes


What Are You Going To Do About It?

12 Jul

Well, Did You?

Revisited 7-12-2021

So, I am going to share a little of my point of view. Folks are sharing posts saying that they believe the Rapture is almost here – I disagree. I firmly believe Genesis 50:20 –

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”

Yes, these times have been hard and even a bit unfair – but God!!

  • How many times in years past have you said that you wished your family was all together for meals? Able to spend time together playing games and just talking? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?
  • How many times have you prayed to God for more time to pray, seek, read the Bible and study? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?
  • How many times did you say that you wished you had time to try new recipes or start canning or make a bunch of different sorts of desserts? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?
  • How many times have you said (or thought) that you wish you had more time to connect with distant family and friends – send a card, send a letter, start a texting conversation? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?
  • How many times did you wish that you had time to start a backyard garden or re-pot house plants or start a new hobby that you have always wanted to start? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?

I understand the oppression and depression that has come with this time of our lives, I really do – I fell right in with everyone else. I had to stop watching the news on TV. I had to block pages on my FB that was FB spamming all sorts of negative things. I had to tell myself to get out of bed and make a difference in this chaos!

What can YOU do? Get out a piece of paper. Make a list of all of the things that you wished you could have done in the past, but never had the time to do.

  • If you don’t have the supplies for some of the, post a note on FB or the Online Yard Sales for supplies for – for instance – painting. Make a note that you needs inexpensive supplies – I bet folks will send them to you for free or for very little. You would be surprised at the number of people who will step up along side you – because – well – they are in the same pandemic as you !! Also, the dollar stores always have a small section of crafting supplies for really cheap – then as you get better you won’t mind spending a little extra on good supplies.
  • Send an encouraging email – or MEME on FB – or a text message to someone every day! Doesn’t have to be the same person, just pray and see who God puts on your heart.
  • Read a new book – lots of your friends will give you suggestions of great books to read, I have seen it over and over again lately.
  • Bake that dessert!! YUM.
  • Google a recipe for something you have always wanted to try – you will get a dozen hits! Read through to the ones that find your fancy and give it a shot.
  • Build that tent fort in the living room and gather the family for story time or desserts or old fashioned kids songs or ??? Well, just take a nap!!
  • Get that Bible out and a good Bible Study (hundreds are online) and a good “read the Bible in an year plan” – And Get Started!!
  • Your Turn: Put suggestions in the comments below – be “G rated” please.

What are you waiting for? What if you find out that there are actually wonderful things you can do while locked in at home. Yes, it is scary at times. Yes, financial burdens can be overwhelming. Yes, it isn’t always fun being alone.


I am praying blessing over you. I am praying an enhanced imagination over you. I am praying peace over you. I am saying “Seize the time!” Refuse to live in fear. Refuse to live in depression. Refuse to live in oppression. Make every day count.


Original Written 7-12-2020

Pandemic 2020 – What Should You Do??

12 Jul

Coronavirus: What is a pandemic? - CBBC Newsround


So, I am going to share a little of my point of view. Folks are sharing posts saying that they believe the Rapture is almost here – I disagree. I firmly believe Genesis 50:20 – “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”

Yes, these times have been hard and even a bit unfair – but God!!

* How many times in years past have you said that you wished your family was all together for meals? Able to spend time together playing games and just talking? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?

* How many times have you prayed to God for more time to pray, seek, read the Bible and study? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?

* How many times did you say that you wished you had time to try new recipes or start canning or make a bunch of different sorts of desserts? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?

* How many times have you said (or thought) that you wish you had more time to connect with distant family and friends – send a card, send a letter, start a texting conversation? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?

* How many times did you wish that you had time to start a backyard garden or repot house plants or start a new hobby that you have always wanted to start? This gave you that opportunity – did you take it?

I understand the oppression and depression that has come with this time of our lives, I really do – I fell right in with everyone else. I had to stop watching the news on TV. I had to block pages on my FB that was FB spamming all sorts of negative things. I had to tell myself to get out of bed and make a difference in this chaos!

What can YOU do? Get out a piece of paper. Make a list of all of the things that you wished you could have done in the past, but never had the time to do.

* If you don’t have the supplies for some of the, post a note on FB or the Online Yard Sales for supplies for – for instance – painting. Make a note that you needs inexpensive supplies – I bet folks will send them to you for free or for very little. You would be surprised at the number of people who will step up along side you – because – well – they are in the same pandemic as you !! Also, the dollar stores always have a small section of crafting supplies for really cheap – then as you get better you won’t mind spending a little extra on good supplies.

* Send an encouraging email – or MEME on FB – or a text message to someone every day! Doesn’t have to be the same person, just pray and see who God puts on your heart.

* Read a new book – lots of your friends will give you suggestions of great books to read, I have seen it over and over again lately.

* Bake that dessert!! YUM.

* Google a recipe for something you have always wanted to try – you will get a dozen hits! Read through to the ones that find your fancy and give it a shot.

* Build that tent fort in the living room and gather the family for story time or desserts or old fashioned kids songs or ??? Well, just take a nap!!

* Get that Bible out and a good Bible Study (hundreds are online) and a good “read the Bible in an year plan” – And Get Started!!

* – Your Turn: Put suggestions in the comments below – be “G rated” please.

What are you waiting for. What if you find out that there are actually wonderful things you can do while locked in at home. Yes, it is scary at times. Yes, financial burdens can be overwhelming. Yes, it isn’t always fun being alone.


I am praying blessing over you. I am praying an enhanced imagination over you. I am praying peace over you. I am saying “Seize the time!” Refuse to live in fear. Refuse to live in depression. Refuse to live in oppression. Make every day count.

Feel free to share!


7 Aug

And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.   Acts 12:7

I have had the privilege of becoming friends through Christ with many inmates. I find their faith strong, their dedication immeasurable and their Christian love pure. Their desire to have all that God has for them is so powerful – I feel inadequate to mentor and encourage them. I find myself envying the time they have to study God’s word and sing His praises.

What a perfect God cherished testimony. Here are people with lives completely restricted; only allowed to move about if shackled, and yet they have a found a heart of peace and a spirit of freedom that I could only pray to have. They are bound completely on the outside – yet completely free through Jesus on the inside. They have replaced anger with joy, strife with study, cursing with prayer and praise. Many still have decades to complete before I will meet them face to face, I look forward to that day when we can share the joy of Jesus over a cup of coffee. They have so much to teach me.

I pray for their safety, peace and joy and I receive letters from them stating that they are praying daily for me. They express as much concern for my well being as I have about theirs. Once Jesus steps into the heart of any person, the chains of life begin to fall away. Some remove them a little at a time and some miraculously loose them all, in one fell swoop.

I’ve learned through my many years with Jesus that everything in life is shadowed and paralleled. I too am restricted to a regimented schedule – by work, family obligations and church events. I’m shackled by stress, obligation, bills, illness and weariness. Their incarceration is tangible and they have risen above it. My incarceration is self-imposed and enforced with self-set unrealistic expectations. I strive daily to rise above my circumstances, not always with true success. So, Jesus, which of us is truly bound?

Lord, give me the courage to say “No” to time that unnecessarily takes me away from you. Teach me to set boundaries and set a Jesus appointment in every day – at least twice a day please! Help me to remember the true reason I’m here – to share the treasure of YOU with all that I meet. And always keep my heart open to learn from a new friend, no matter the path they have walked.


Written 6-15-07


Lord, Rest Here

13 Jan

Rest Here

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” Romans 14:17 KJV


Lord, rest here.

Comfort in this humble home,

Shine with Glory through our prayers,

Lighting the way in our darkest hour.


Lord, rest here.

Sitting beside me as I read Your Word,

Explaining each question

as I meditate the passage,

Highlighting special scriptures

 when I need an answer.


Lord, rest here.

A misty image as I try to see Your face,

What Heaven must be like;

green, pure, peaceful,

Content at Your feet.


Lord, rest here.

Set Angels all about for the moments

 You must leave,

Keep anger and temptation and evil at bay,

Helping us become the people You need.


Lord, rest here.

I could not bear a single day without You,

I could not consider a moment

      without the touch of the spirit,

I could not imagine a thought

  without Your Son in it.


Lord, rest here.

For this child is Yours,

To mold – and shape – and place –

In Your world – in Your Perfect Will.
