You Covered Me

28 Jul

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV

God, this season has been the most difficult season of my life, But You covered me.

When scripture verses made no sense and chapters were just blurred words on a page, You reminded me that they never change, are never returned void, are always “Yes” and “Amen.”

When I searched for answers, only to find confusion and frustration, You sent me the right words through the voice of another.

When the weakness and fatigue overwhelmed me and all I could do was sleep or rest in my chair, I felt Your strong arms as You held me.

When loneliness started to creep in and I wondered what I had done to cause You to abandon me, You showed me that You were right there with me, every moment of every day.

When the illness made me doubt my faith, and all I know to be true, You wiped my tears and held me closer.

As I get stronger I can see the many miracles you provided along this journey, I am so grateful.

How do I thank a mighty God who holds a universe in His hands and knows the needs of every falling sparrow? By being an instrument of Your love. Knowing that You will always be there, Covering Me.

Written by Linda J. Humes


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