Tag Archives: Believe

Exceedingly Abundantly Above

3 Sep


“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”      Ephesians 3:20-21 (KJV)

Imagine something, anything, the biggest imagine that you have ever imagined.  God can do it.  In fact, God can do Exceedingly (“exceedingly; very; greatly; highly”), Abundantly (“an exceeding measure, something above the ordinary”), Above (“of place, above, beyond, across, or causal, for the sake of, instead, regarding; with the accusative superior to, more than”) anything that you can possibly imagine.  That’s huge!!

When I think about that, “Exceedingly Abundantly Above All That We Ask or Think,” I wonder how often we limit God in our prayers.  Our prayers are our direct connection to the Father, our personal relationship with Him, and how often are we holding back (Philippians 4:6)?  How often do we think, “Well, there are others who need His help more,” or “I don’t want to bother Him with something so small or trivial,” or “I’m not worthy of His personal attention.”  If that were the case why would this scripture be in the Bible for us to read and meditate on (1 Peter 5:7).  What if Hezekiah had decided that his desires weren’t worth of prayer (Isaiah 38:5), he would have missed out on 15 amazing years of life.

Can you imagine how spiritually powerful we would be if we addressed every need we have with this passage (James 5:16)?  Every prayer we send forward would reach the throne of God with power and confidence and expectancy.  Imagine the pleasure of the Father knowing that His children are stepping into His will and His realm to attack and issue that He can easily address (Matthew 21:22).

I remember hearing a story where a Pastor in Africa was praying for a Bicycle.  He prayed and prayed but nothing happened.  One day in prayer he asked God why his prayer had not been answered.  He heard God say, “You haven’t told me what kind you want.”  The Pastor then became very specific in the model and style and color of the bike he wanted, thinking previously that it was brash to be so specific.  Within a week God had put this Pastor on the heart of someone who bought the exact make, model and color that the Pastor had asked God for, including a basket on the front and a bell on the handlebars!!

God could have sent a rusty old bike that still worked, but He wanted to ”abundantly exceedingly above” bless the Pastor.  He was waiting for the Pastor to recognize that God was big enough for specifics.  He wanted the Pastor to believe that he was loved beyond measure.

Do we limit God?  Do we only ask for the minimal, expecting to receive just the basics of what we need?  Do we believe that God loves us more than we can even imagine and wants to bless us with the desires of our heart, not just the needs of the day (Psalm 37:4)?  Do we believe the promises of the Bible are for other people, important people, strong people of faith, but not a simple believer?

Scripture says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and if you don’t know how to pray for your specific need, to pray in the spirit and your requests will reach the Father (Romans 8:26-27).

Put Him to the test.  Pray with a humble heart and watch God bring you more than you could have ever imagined.  It is for you.  It is for today.  “To Him Be The Glory.”  Amen!

** A Journey Through Ephesians – Chapter 3, Part 8

Written by Linda J Humes



28 Jul

“Believing is touching the sky with outstretched hands . . .

knowing you are caressing the face of God!”



Written  8/14/12



30 Mar

 Bible with Light Shaft

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 (KJV)

The most common question I receive is “where did God come from?” I guess I really hadn’t thought much about it before, it was a mystery of faith I took as a truth. My answer of this left doubt on the face of the person asking and I decided that I needed to delve further and determine a good solid answer for my confused new believers. I asked many pastors and many more saints; they all gave the same answer as I. I began to feel like we were brushing the question aside instead of giving comfort and reassurance to those wanting something firm to hang onto.

How did I really feel about it? Had I ever really thought about it? How could I bring peace to the many questioning the very base of my faith? After many hours of prayer I felt that I knew how to answer.

Where did God come from? I don’t know, and at this point in my walk with Christ, I don’t need know. I don’t need to know because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He (God) is real.

I talk to him constantly, and I hear his voice speak back to me, deep inside my soul. When I pray, worship or praise Him, I feel His presence all over me. I feel a soft warm blanket fold over and around me. I feel the “Goose bumps” when He’s near and the fire of the anointing in my hands when there’s a need He wants me to tend to.

When I’m devastated by events in my life and I cry out to Him in pain, I feel His peace permeate through me and my tears cease. When I’m in an area of danger, I cry out to Jesus and my fear ceases as He guides me to safety. I’ve seen Him open doors I could never have opened myself, and He has guided me from danger that looked so attractive.

I experience Supernatural Wisdom and Knowledge for specific situations, on subjects that I’ve never studied before. I’ve seen people healed when God told me to put my hands on them and pray. I’ve told people about themselves and what God is guiding them toward, simply by listening to the voice inside me – and I’ve seen the shocked reactions of these people I had never met before when I knew things about them I could not have known. He shows me the light and darkness inside of a person, the pain that torments them – and how to pray to release the pain.

I have seen miracles and mountains moved that were “impossible” situations, by the gathering together of praying saints. I held a dying animal in my arms and watched the animal’s broken neck reset itself, on its own, and the animal go from gasping for air to purring as I prayed in tongues over it – with 4 teens watching in disbelief.

In times of great financial struggle I’ve seen food brought to my family within 10 minutes of a prayer, when no one knew of the circumstance but God.

I saw Him faithfully fulfill His promises of returning my runaway son. I watched Him keep a hedge of protection over that son as he experimented with drugs and alcohol; even overdosing. God spared his life miraculously time after time after time. And God waited patiently until that son returned his Spirit to Him (God) and began walking in the truth again.

I’ve called out demons in the Name of Jesus and brought evil spirits controlling people into subjection of time and space through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am only a simple person, the child of 2 alcoholic parents. I was raised in poverty – in homes with no running water, moving constantly because of evictions. We had little food – jackrabbits and beans. I grew up a “nothing” by American standards. But God saw a treasure in me and raised me up above my circumstances by His love and grace.

Although I prayed all my life, I was 38 before I found out about having a personal relationship with Christ. After that precious “magical” day, I have never left the presence of God, and I know that He has never left me, not for a second.

I don’t know where God came from. It’s okay for it to remain a mystery of faith for me – because I know God! I know that I know that I know He is real and that he works mightily through His children. That’s good enough for me.

Test Him. Prove Him. He will show Himself real to you too. I promise it!