Tag Archives: Dust Storm

When the Storms Rage . . . Turn Up The Worship Music!

16 Mar

Dust Storm - turn up the worship music

O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.    Psalms 95:6 (KJV)


We make occasional trips between our home in Chino Valley and Snowflake, a city we are going to relocate to on the exact opposite side of the state.  To get there we have to travel several hours along a highway with barren land on both sides.  On one of our trips we left Chino Valley with light breezes, not realizing that light breezes on our side of the state meant heavy winds along that stretch of the highway (now we understand why there isn’t any growth along the road).

Half way into the trip, as we drove along side other cars and big rigs, we saw heavy dust crossing the road.  Drivers’ heads turned from side to side and the dust disappeared.  Looked like a single incident; no big deal.  All of the sudden the big rig to my right started to rock and sway; the cars ahead of us were hit with a wall of dust and they had a hard time staying in their lanes.  We were in the left lane, following other vehicles, watching carefully the line of big rigs in the right lane.

Everyone slowed; no one dared to stop.  While watching for taillights and misdirected vehicles, stress levels built, prayers were loudly spoke; we could barely see the front of our car at times.

My son anxiously shouted, “What are we going to do, Mom?”

Holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands I shouted back, “Turn up the worship music!”

Nothing brings peace faster than worship music.  The storm didn’t stop, people were still having trouble controlling their vehicles against the wind, the dust still obscured the road ahead, but the music calmed us.  That was the longest 45 minutes in my life; but it didn’t overtake me.  We were able to thank Jesus for our safety with a peaceful heart.

There are many times when tests and trials come; some small, some overwhelming.  Every time I feel the storms rising I turn on the worship music and fall into prayer.  Worship – prayer, two aspects of the same entity, communicating with God; what a delight.

Father, never let me forget to worship you, even in the rage of a storm.

Written by Linda J. Humes

Written on 4-19-2010